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Updated: May 11, 2023

We have just completed Week 11 of the 17-week session. We are in the middle of the first two deadlines. Any bill that did not get voted out of its committee of origin by April 14th died for this session. Of the 914 total bills in the Assembly, 239 bills died on the 14th. The next deadline is this coming Tuesday, the 25th, which is for bill passage out of the house of origin.

As I have previously discussed, some bills are exempted from all the deadlines, except for the June 5th Sine die. In the Assembly, there are current 78 bills that are exempt and almost all of them are money bills that are in the Committee on Ways and Means.

Last week we had four days of Floor session, which is a meeting of the entire Assembly. During that week we had 465 votes on bills that included a review and approval of amendments to bills and final votes on bills. To date, the Assembly has voted to pass out of the Assembly 128 bills and resolutions. Also during the last week, we received approximately 85 bills that have been passed out of the Senate, which were assigned to the committees in the Assembly.

My bill, AB91, which provides regulatory relief to water right holders with wells on public lands, was up for second read and the amendment was heard and passed. This bill should be up for a final vote out of the Assembly this coming Monday.

Next week I will give a complete update on the ten bills that I either sponsored or co-sponsored.

If you are in Carson, please contact my attaché, Jeff Welte, at 775-684-8848, or email me at and schedule a meeting. I am interested in hearing your concerns with particular bills.

I am glad to be representing all of you in District 26. See you next week!

Rich DeLong

Assemblyman, District 26

Minority Whip


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DeLong For Nevada | 59 Damonte Ranch Parkway Suite 543 | Reno, Nevada 89521 | 775.476.2321

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