I cannot believe we are in the middle of May! Where did April go?
We are now 4 weeks away from the state’s primary election on June 11th. Early voting commences on May 25th. I appreciated everyone’s support in my last campaign and hope you will support me again. For those of you that are interested in a sign for your yard, please email me or send a note through the website. If you are not home when I come by, I will leave the sign by your front door. Thank you for putting a sign out!
I want to give everyone an update on the homeowner’s insurance issues that are affecting those of us that live in or near the Carson Range (Washoe, Carson, and Douglas counties), as well as for those that live in other parts of the State. I am in discussions with Mr. Rich and Mr. Kipper of the Nevada Division of Insurance (Division). On May 2nd the Division provided an update via a press release and information on their website (doi.nv.gov). In that release the Division stated that they “recently completed an industry data call of all carriers currently writing personal home insurance, and as such, there is a desire to provide this detailed information to Nevada consumers specifically narrowed down to the zip code level.” In addition, the Division has developed a look-up tool, Homeowner Coverage Tool,” which is on the Division website. The Division also Stated that this “tool can be accessed under the Consumer link and then the Homeowners Insurance tab. Homeowners seeking coverage can simply enter their zip code into the site to generate a list of insurance carriers applicable to their neighborhood.” This database, which is current as of 12/31/23, will provide the insurance company’s name, phone number and website address. The data in this application are subject to change. If you are having trouble finding or renewing coverage, please use this tool to help you locate potential insurance providers.
This information does not reduce or eliminate the fact that individuals and organizations (HOAs) are having trouble finding coverage, having substantial rate increases, or both. In a effort to address this, I am working with the Division to convene a meeting with the Division staff, key legislators and representatives of the insurance industry to identify potential solutions, which could include legislation in the 2025 session. I will continue to have updates as they become available through this newsletter.
My next coffee will be May 25rd at 9:00am at the Tahoe Natural Café, which is at the corner of Steamboat Parkway and Veterans Parkway. I look forward to meeting you there and discussing topics that are important to you and our district especially as we move into the 2024 campaign season.
If you would like to put a sign in your yard, make calls, or walk neighborhoods, please let me know through the contact page on my website (DeLongForNevada.com). If you can donate to the campaign, please click the donate button below. I will continue to try and make a difference in the Nevada Legislature.
I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and comments on the newsletters during the session. They were very helpful and kept me going.
If there is an item that you want to discuss, please contact me at 775-476-2321, or email me at my campaign email, rich@delongfornevada.com.
I am glad to be representing all of you in District 26.
Rich DeLong
Assemblyman, District 26
Republican Whip, Treasurer, Campaign Finance Lead