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WEEK #15 legislative update

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Updates from the Legislature

We have just completed Week 15 of the 17-week session and here is a brief update.

Last Friday was the deadline for the remaining bills to be passed through the second house committees. It was a busy week with many committee meetings and work sessions to pass bills on to the Assembly floor. A number of bad bills did die. However, a number of good bills, such as AB330, the Governor’s education bill, also died. In round numbers: 50 bills died, 350 are in the two house’s money committees, and a total of 750 bills remain alive.

To date, the legislature has sent a total of ten bills to the Governor. Normally at this time in the process over 50 bills have been sent

Next Friday (5/26) is second house passage deadline, which means that by next weekend all the bills will be with the Governor for his review and signature or veto. As I have previously discussed, the money bills are exempt from these deadlines, and only need to be passed by both houses before Sine die, which is June 5th at 11:59 pm.

Last week the Governor vetoed the three Democrat-passed gun control bills: AB354, AB355, and SB171. Remember that the Republicans can block any veto override attempt in the Senate. The vetoes have set the tone for the remainder of the session; the Governor means business when he says he will veto legislation. In the next two weeks we will see if the Democrats in the Legislature adjust their approach on the remaining Governor’s bills and the budget bill.

If you are in Carson, please contact my attaché, Jeff Welte, at 775-684-8848, or email me at and schedule a meeting. I am interested in hearing your concerns with particular bills.

I am glad to be representing all of you in District 26. See you next week!

Rich DeLong

Assemblyman, District 26

Minority Whip


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