If you are a Republican that wants to participate in this year's Republican nomination process, there is some important information you need to know.
This year, there are two different election types and dates, and while the process will be universal for Democrats, here is what you need to know if you plan to vote in the Republican process.
If you do have a question you need help with, reach out anytime by using the contact bar at the bottom of the page and I'll make sure to get back to you,
- Rich

There are Two dates with Two different processes and Republican Presidential Candidates will NOT be listed on both ballots. They had to choose which nominating process to sign up for, as they can participate only in one.
Below are the two types of elections and which candidates will appear on those ballots.
John Anthony Castro
Heath V. Fulkerson
Nikki R. Haley
Donald Kjornes
Mike Pence (withdrawn)
Tim Scott (withdrawn)
Hirsh V. Singh
Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis (withdrawn)
Ryan Binkley
Vivek Ramaswamy (withdrawn)
Chris Christie (withdrawn)
What is the Difference Between a Caucus and a Primary?
Presidential Preference Primary
Candidates are ineligible to earn delegates
Run by State and Local Government
Is part of your official voting record
Includes Two Week Early Voting Period
Voting Done by Electronic Ballot
No Voter ID Required
Must be registered Republican to vote
(Same Day Voter Registration Change Allowed)
May cast ballot and leave
Nevada Republican Caucus
Candidates are eligible to earn delegates
Run by State Republican Party
Is not part of your official voting record
Voting is a One Day Event
Voting Done by Paper Ballot
Voter ID Required
Must be registered Republican to vote
(No Same Day Registration Changes)
My cast ballot and leave or stay to run for delegate.

A new law, resulted in two different nominating processes happening two days apart from each other. The primary will take place Tuesday, Feb. 6, and the caucus is set for Feb. 8. Here are some answers to questions that will hopefully clear up the confusion.

Nevada has had varied experiences with presidential primary elections and caucuses over the years. The following provides a brief description of the selection of presidential candidates and electors since 1864, the year Nevada became a state.

Only registered Republicans will be allowed to cast a ballot in the primary or caucus for a candidate. The registered Republicans who want to pick Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy or Christie will have to do so at the caucus on Feb. 8.